A comprehensive document published by the Government of Canada. This document has been prepared by the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Branch at Health Canada to provide information on the use of cannabis (marihuana) and cannabinoids for medical purposes.

This video provides an overview of the history and science relating to cannabis and is intended for the general population, patients and parents of patients who are using medical cannabis. It touches on the composition of the cannabis plant, the endocannabinoid system and how cannabinoids work in the brain.

This video covers the practical aspects of medical cannabis in Canada. It touches on the history of the legalization of medical cannabis, available products in Canada, their cost, and the adverse effects of THC and CBD.

This document provides information regarding currently available cannabis oil preparations from a variety of License Producers in Canada. Descriptions of the products, costs and compassionate care programs are listed.

Table of cost of cannabidiol (CBD) per mg for select Licensed Producers in Canada and the US.

List of publications relating to psychedelic science, medicine and therapy.